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Next Steps


Terms are agreed upon between you and the Buyer. The home is under contract and in escrow.

✓ The home changes from FOR SALE to UNDER CONTRACT online.

✓ Escrow is opened at the title company.

✓ Earnest money deposit is due from the Buyer.



The contract will specify how long the Buyer has to complete due diligence and inspections on the property. During this time a Buyer will schedule any necessary inspections they wish to complete. We are present representing your best interest at inspections.

✓ Buyer conducts inspections.

✓ Resolve/negotiate any issues from inspections. Often, more negotiation with finesse, experience and knowledge help to keep the transaction moving forward while satisfying both parties.

✓ Buyer’s lender will order the appraisal

✓ Order HOA package if there is an HOA

✓ Title company will order a loan payoff

✓ Title company will conduct title search to make sure there aren’t any liens, delinquencies, etc.

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